Saturday, April 25

My recent obsession with large sandwiches appears to be more than just a fleeting love affair, as things like this usually go with me. Im seeing how far i can push these huge sandwiches before the met ladies start charging me for a bar plate instead of a side bowl. and then what comes after that? only time will tell. I made a beautiful sandwich on Thursday for consuming during a class screening. It was big enough that my met box wouldnt close, and i almost couldnt finish it. Unfortunately I hadn't predicted the problem of layers and layers of sweet, sweet crunchy onions combined with the quiet atmosphere of two documentary films. i will make note of this for future reference.

Unfortunately I couldnt get a photo of the thursday sandwich, but I do have some from my friday sandwich. And while this is a departure from my current fat sandwich obsession (hard to build a massive sandwich at Carr Haus, ill have to find a way around this eventually), i still dig a beautiful, simple sandwich. and man, just try to look at this sandwich and not salivate.

oh baby

and yes, i am writting about sandwiches on my saturday night. but its out of procrastination, not desperation. really.

(and maybe just a little bit of love, too.)


Anonymous said...

you made me a mean sandwich at the met a few days ago, thank you

Anonymous said...

oops, I meant "carr haus"

John Sea said...

dylan lets start taking up cooking

hay said...

rock on, sandwich lover